Tag Archives: valentinesday

Maegan Hagan’s Review of 50 Shades of Grey

I want to begin by saying I am absolutely positively encouraging everyone to watch 50 Shades of Grey! I want you to form your own opinion! Without further ado:

Top 8 Things That Made Me Cringe While Watching 50 Shades of Grey


8.  Anastasia’s Hairy Legs

Obviously, I am exaggerating a bit,but I kid you not-every person in that theater GASPED when they saw how much hair was on her body the first time Mr. Grey took off her clothes! I actually consider myself to be a feminist, and I was surprised that much hair on her body made it into the final cut of the film. I do believe it was on purpose. Anastasia’s character is supposed to be very naive! I get it! But, if you know you are going over to your new boo thang’s MANSION to possibly hook up-you better shave those hairy armpits, legs, and bush! I mean it was everywhere! I, as a semi-feminist audience goer, was kind of alienated when I saw that!

7. The HUGE Rip Off of Twilight

It is no secret that 50 Shades of Grey, (The Book,) was originally intended to be Twilight Fan Fiction. I was hoping, however, that the movie would be changed a little bit so we weren’t reminded of that…nope! Not at all! That was wishful thinking on my part! At one point I dozed off, woke up, and said, “Where am I? Why is Edward not sparkling in the sun?” I mean from the walk in the woods, to her being clumsy, to her visiting her mom in Georgia. (I know, Bella’s mom temporarily was living in Florida! Way to go for moving it one state away!)


6. Charlie Hunnam is not Christian Grey

I truly believe Christian Grey was ultimately cast wrong. Jamie Dornan is cute, but he is not the on screen persona that we could have had, had they gone through with Charlie Hunnam, (AKA Jax from Sons of Anarchy,). I believe that in itself put them with the wrong foot going out of the gate. There is something that is slightly…vanilla about Jamie Dornan.

5. Where was the pain?

It is understandable that Anastasia a virgin, and Mr. Grey was trying to EASE her in slowly to that life style…but the main attraction to 50 Shades of Grey is the pain with pleasure. With the movie, we see a lot of pleasure, but the pain is forced. When he is dominating her it is clear he is holding back! Even in the anti-climatic scene where Anastasia runs off crying, (boo hoo my billionaire boyfriend is a fetish with inflicting pain on me!) I wasn’t feeling it! Not. At. All.

4. Cinematography Is Truly The Best Thing About This Movie

That’s not even a huge task to accomplish! Seattle is beautiful!

3. Let’s Try and Sneak In Accurate Portrayal of BDSM Life Style In There

Once again, it was no secret that the BDSM community was highly offended of the book’s portrayal of a BDSM relationship. I felt like the movie had the opportunity to get it right, where the book had failed terribly, and they fell short by every degree imaginable. BDSM is not about signing a contract-that’s slavery. BDSM is a fascinating lifestyle with many subcultures to it. I love that 50 Shades of Grey has people talking about it, but why not get it right? If you would like to see an accurate representation of a dom submissive, please rent or download Secretary. It is a very sexy movie! And all about BDSM!

2. If I am paying to 9.00 to see a movie about sex, how bout the male lead, have to show just as much nudity as his female lead? I want to see some dick! It’s only fair!

1. The best thing about the whole movie- was the trailers before the film for up and coming movies. This is just a bad time for movies. And, the sad thing is it doesn’t have to be. That is a completely different blog all together, but real quick, let me tell you about the two trailer’s I saw that looked really good!

Train wreck Starring Amy Schumer


Actually looks pretty good, and for the most part I usually can’t stand Amy Schumer. This looks like one of her most likable character to date! She actually reminded me a lot of myself, which is a scary thought that is where Romantic Comedies are going. But, then it’s kind of cool and more believable.

And the trailer that had me almost JUMPING out of my seat from anticipation:



Within the first minute of the trailer, I knew it was written by my favorite movie writer of all time-Cameron Crowe. He is also the director. First movie he has done in a while and I am really excited about it! Cameron Crowe is one of my idols. Aloha is about Bradley Cooper, who plays a celebrated military contractor that is returning to the site of his greatest career triumphs and re-connects with a long-ago love while unexpectedly falling for the hard-charging Air Force watchdog assigned to him, (played by Emma Stone-another one of my absolute favorites!) Can not wait!

To summarize, I do not want to discourage you from watching 50 Shades of Grey. If you would like to learn more about the BDSM life style, please Google it, it will be WAY more accurate, and finally-someone send Anastasia Steele some fucking Naire! EVERYWHERE! IT was EVERYWHERE!

If you like what you see, please subscribe to my blog post. You can also find me on Facebook under Maegan Hagan, you can also find me on Twitter @GoogleMeMae Instagram @Live4Hope Google + Maegan Hagan and Tumblr, mylifeasmaeganhagan

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Our First Valentine’s Day Together


I am such a nerd for Valentine’s Day! One of my favorite Valentine’s Day was our first Valentine’s Day nine years ago!  The night we first met I told Trent about my Grandma Stella, and how she had been married to my Grandfather for 60 years. The last year of her life my Grandfather built her a huge garden filled with Lilies and sun flowers. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Two weeks later on Valentine’s Day I walked into Trent’s apartment and he had an entire apartment filled with Lily Plants! My mouth dropped to the ground! He said, “I’m going to build you a garden, too.”
I started to cry and I pulled out my backpack and handed Trent his gift.  Trent used to be a children’s librarian when he lived in Huntsville, Alabama. One of his favorite author’s was Shel Silverstein. The first night we talked he told me that he always loved Shel Silverstein’s books as an adult, and his favorite was The Missing Piece Meets The Big O. I found the first edition ever written of The Missing Piece the second day after I met Trent, and I had it shipped to me before Valentine’s Day. Thankfully, I was able to give it to Trent that night.

Trent went on to build a huge garden filled with sunflowers and lilies. If you saw Trent that summer he was watering, tilling, weeding-anything he had to do to get that garden built. When we got married that September we got married outside and all of the flowers we used were flowers Trent had grew for me that year. All accept for my bouquet.

A lot of people think that it’s crazy how fast Trent and I fell in love and got together. How vulnerable we allowed ourselves to be with each other when we had just met. It was hard for me, it’s hard for anyone to put themselves out there. Everyone comes with baggage, but when it feels right it just feels right. You can’t fight fate.  If you have someone in your life that makes you feel the way Trent made me feel or vice versa, find a way to show them you love them tomorrow, and every other day after. The love Trent and I have is special and rare and it only comes along every once in a while. If God has blessed you with your soul mate, don’t take advantage of that blessing.

If by the off chance you are with the wrong person, and you know that you aren’t supposed to be with that person- don’t wait to leave. Life is short-everyone has a Trent, and everyone has a Mae. Go find yours!!

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