Tag Archives: gardening

Our First Valentine’s Day Together


I am such a nerd for Valentine’s Day! One of my favorite Valentine’s Day was our first Valentine’s Day nine years ago!  The night we first met I told Trent about my Grandma Stella, and how she had been married to my Grandfather for 60 years. The last year of her life my Grandfather built her a huge garden filled with Lilies and sun flowers. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Two weeks later on Valentine’s Day I walked into Trent’s apartment and he had an entire apartment filled with Lily Plants! My mouth dropped to the ground! He said, “I’m going to build you a garden, too.”
I started to cry and I pulled out my backpack and handed Trent his gift.  Trent used to be a children’s librarian when he lived in Huntsville, Alabama. One of his favorite author’s was Shel Silverstein. The first night we talked he told me that he always loved Shel Silverstein’s books as an adult, and his favorite was The Missing Piece Meets The Big O. I found the first edition ever written of The Missing Piece the second day after I met Trent, and I had it shipped to me before Valentine’s Day. Thankfully, I was able to give it to Trent that night.

Trent went on to build a huge garden filled with sunflowers and lilies. If you saw Trent that summer he was watering, tilling, weeding-anything he had to do to get that garden built. When we got married that September we got married outside and all of the flowers we used were flowers Trent had grew for me that year. All accept for my bouquet.

A lot of people think that it’s crazy how fast Trent and I fell in love and got together. How vulnerable we allowed ourselves to be with each other when we had just met. It was hard for me, it’s hard for anyone to put themselves out there. Everyone comes with baggage, but when it feels right it just feels right. You can’t fight fate.  If you have someone in your life that makes you feel the way Trent made me feel or vice versa, find a way to show them you love them tomorrow, and every other day after. The love Trent and I have is special and rare and it only comes along every once in a while. If God has blessed you with your soul mate, don’t take advantage of that blessing.

If by the off chance you are with the wrong person, and you know that you aren’t supposed to be with that person- don’t wait to leave. Life is short-everyone has a Trent, and everyone has a Mae. Go find yours!!

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